Demo 1 - Exotic Vacations

Travel Business

The below is for demonstrating key features of "Fillable Document"

Business Scenario:

  • Sale Manager wants his team of Sales Representatives to collect orders from the field
  • On receipt of orders, Sales Manager will review and generate a order acceptance document (order details and terms & conditions) as PDF and send to customer.

Currently, they are using a paper form for the sales representative that is filled offline. The paper form is looking like this.

Sales representative fills these forms and submits hardcopy.

The data is then entered into the order acceptance document and sent to customer's via email or postal mail.

How to automate this process with Fillable Document?

Step 1: Build the visual form from Google Document.

The Sales Manager prepares a Google Document as the order acceptance form. See below for the Google document.

Notice that there are fields marked with ${field name}. These are the dynamic fields that gets filled.

Exoootic Vacations - Order Request Form - Fillable Document

Step 2: Configure the Dynamic Fields

  • Install Fillable Document if it is not already done. Refer How it works for installation details
  • Open "Fillable Document" add-on
  • The dynamic fields will appear automatically.
  • The Sales Manager can change the type of the field and other formatting options.

Below is the screenshot of how it looks like

  • For example, Title field is configured as Choice box with options

Step 3: Configure Settings

  • Setup Destination spreadsheet to store the form submissions
  • Setup Destination folder to store the generated documents and PDFs
  • Setup Email Template

Step 4: Open as Web Form, Generate Doc and Deliver

Open it as web form and see how it appears

Try saving data, generating document, and deliver to emails

The screenshot below shows how the Fillable Form appears from the document.

Step 5: Publish Document

  • Sales Manager can make the Form available to to Sales Representatives by publishing the form

Step 6: Users submitting data in the Form

  • Sales Representatives can submit the form with the order information.

Note: Visitors of this Demo can also try submitting data (playing role of Sales Representatives) to get a feel. The submitted data will appear in the spreadsheet in the next section.

Important Note: You need to be signed into Google Account to see the below form.

If you cannot see the embedded form, please try Viewing Published Form

Step 7: Submitted Data stored in Google Sheet instantaneously.

  • Sales Manager can see the submitted data in the Google sheet immediately.

Note: If you have submitted the form in previous step, you should see your submitted data here.

Exootic Vacation Orders

Step 8: Generate document and deliver

  • Sales Manager can generate document/PDF and deliver via email.

To see the submitted records, sales manager need to follow the steps below.

  1. Open "Fillable Document" add-on from the Google Document
  2. Click on "Open Form as Web App"
  3. Click on "Show the records history" icon on the toolbar

This is the "Show the records history" button that can be seen in the toolbar

4. Click on a record to select for generating document

5. Click on "Generate Document" to generate the merged document

Below is a sample generated document and screenshot for email delivery.

Exoootic Vacations - Order Request Form - Fillable Document_10_07_2018_04_15 PM

Sales Manager can send generated document as Email by clicking on "Send as Email"

Hope you enjoyed the demo and now you can use it in practice in your business.