How Fillable Document is used by Non-profit?

Fillable Document can be used by Non-profit for various purposes like service agreements, etc. Let us see how all ways Fillable Document is used in Non-profit.

Service Agreement

Consider you are conducting a charity event to collect donations for orphanages. You are giving sub-contract to a few more companies so that you don't feel all the pressure. So you need to put a service agreement with the companies you are giving contract. In this case, Fillable Document can be used to generate the service agreement. Once the company submit the agreement

  • The company should receive the generated service agreement via email.

  • Also, you should receive an email with the generated agreement.

How Fillable Document is used here:

  • A templated service agreement is created and configured using Fillable Document.

  • A personalized Email Template is created and configured.

  • The service agreement document is published and sent to the company via email.

  • So once the company submits the agreement, it will be generated and sent to the company via email.

  • The email template needs to be configured in such a way that you should also receive an email with the generated agreement.

Apps used:

  • Google Document

  • Email

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Drive

License Agreement

A licensing agreement allows one party (the licensee) to use and/or earn revenue from the property of the owner. Consider you need to generate a license agreement to sign with the other party. Here you can use Fillable Document. Once the other party submits the document

  • The agreement should be sent to the other party via email.

  • Also, you should receive an email with the generated agreement.

How Fillable Document is used here:

  • A templated document is created and configured using Fillable Document.

  • A personalized Email Template is created and configured.

  • So once the other party submits the form the document will be generated and sent to the other party via email.

  • Also, the email template is configured in such a way that you should receive an email with the generated agreement.

Apps used:

  • Google Document

  • Email

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Drive

Donation collection (PayPal, Stripe)

Consider you are planning to collect donations for an orphanage. You are collecting donations for providing food, clothes & conducting an event. You have assigned three-person incharge of the following departments. Each person needs to collect donations separately for their department. Here you can use Fillable Document to collect the donations.

How Fillable Document is used here:

  • A templated document is created and configured using Fillable Document.

  • A personalized Email Template is created and configured.

  • The person in charge of the food department can create a manual invoice and ask the users to pay through it.

  • The other two persons in charge can use the Accept Payments option in Fillable Document and pay through Paypal & Stripe.

  • An email template is configured in such a way that you should receive an email once you receive a donation.

Apps used:

  • Google Document

  • Email

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Drive