
Receive Payments via Fillable Document

Now users can receive payments via Fillable Document, to do that, you need to just configure your Stripe and Paypal accounts as per this documentation and you're all set to receive the payments

Payment Configuration

In the Published Settings you can open panel Payments (Beta) 

Switch on the Accepts payments on form submission to open the complete payments panel and to enable the payments in the Fillable document

You can also add some instructions or Messages to the users in the Payment Instructions

Payment Gateway Integration

Payment Gateway 

Users can choose any Payment Gateway available in Fillable Document 

Paypal Configuration

To receive payments via PayPal, you need to enter your Thirteen character Merchant ID You can also check our Documentation on how to Find Merchant ID for PayPal?

Once after entering your Merchant ID you can click on Connect with PayPal. ( Connect with PayPal will be disabled until you enter the merchant Id )

After Connecting your Paypal account your PayPal config looks like this.  with the message Connected successfully and a disconnect button to disconnect the Configuration

Finally after configuring your payments you can click on save to save the settings

Stripe Configuration

To receive Payments via Stripe you have to login with your stripe credentials and setup

Click on Connect with Stripe Button to initiate the Stripe setup, this will take you to the new tab to login with stripe

Enter your Stripe Credentials and choose the account to which you want to receive the payments ,You may have to verify your account through OTP as well

After successful login, you will be redirected to the Fillable Document site. and after 3 to 5 seconds you will be again redirected back to the payments settings page with the user information

After Redirecting, you could see the user's Full name displayed in the Stripe account details.

Finally after configuring your payments you can click on save to save the settings

Published View of Payments

Once After Configuring the Payments. The users will see the Payment Options and instructions/ message while submitting the form.

According to the configuration users will get screen of Payment

For Fixed Payments

For Options, Users can choose any option to pay

Dynamic Values, It depends upon what value you have chosen while configuration, the value in the dynamic field will be the amount to be paid


You can click on Paypal or Stripe buttons to make your Payments 


When clicked on PayPal Button you will be prompted with a payment screen. Choose the payment option at your convenience and finally click on Pay Now


When clicked on the Pay with Stripe Button You will be redirect to the stripe payment Portal to a new tab. There you can fill in all the payment details and finally click on PAY

After successful payment you will be redirected to the Fillable Document site informing you that Your Payment was successful and You will be redirected again to the form.

In both the payments, Payment via PayPal or Stripe after successful payment, you will be able to generate the document and submit the form. You can also see the message Your Payment is Successful

You could also see the transaction details with Transaction Id, Amount , payment done through and status