Intelligent Mapping

Intelligent Mapping automatically identifies the type of field and assigns the field type to the corresponding field.

How Intelligent mapping works?

Before Intelligent Mapping

After Intelligent Mapping

How Intelligent Mapping works while inserting a new field?

Keywords for Intelligent mapping

The following are some of the keywords for Intelligent mapping. Fillable Document will identify these keywords and automatically map the corresponding field type.

TEXT:  Name, Class, City, Town, Village, Country, Street, Building, Email

NUMBER: Age, Number, No, Pincode, Phone number, Count, Total, Cost, Amount, Weight, Quantity, Rate, Code

PARAGRAPH:  Description, Details, Paragraph, Address, Notes, Context, Phrases, Quotes

TIME: Time, Clock 

DATE: Date, Dob, Year, Calendar, Birthday, Month, Day, DateTime

IMAGE:  Image, Picture, Photo, Logo

SIGNATURE: Sign, Signature, Autograph, Signatory

LINK: Link, URL, Website, Domain, Web address, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Skype

File: File, Document, Attachment

CHOICE: Choice, Gender, Sex, Option

CHECKBOX: Checklist, Items, Checkbox

DROPDOWN: Category, List, Menu, Array, Dropdown