Fillable Document

Fillable Document is available in Google Workspace Marketplace

How to Install Fillable Document

Installation can be done by two methods

Option 1: Install directly from Google Workspace

Step1: Go to Google Workspace Marketplace and search for Fillable Document or Click here and click on it.

Step 2: You will get installation window. click on INSTALL

Step 3: Fillable Document will ask your permission to install. Click CONTINUE

Step 4: It will take you to the Authentication window and select your account 

Step 5: click Allow that will complete your Authentication process. 

Step 6 : Finally click on Done. That Completes your Installation process.

Step 7: Now your Fillable Document is ready to use.

Fillable Document is installed and it is ready to use

Option 2: Installation from Google Docs

Step 1: Open Google Docs & click add-on and select Get add-ons from the list.

Step 2: Search for Fillable Document and click on it, You will get installation window. click on INSTALL.

Step 3: Fillable Document will ask your permission to install. Click CONTINUE

Step 4: It will take you to the Authentication window and select your account 

Step 5: click Allow that will complete your Authentication process. 

Step 6 : Finally click on Done. That Completes your Installation process.

Step 7: Now your Fillable Document is ready to use.

Fillable Document is installed and it is ready to use